electric wiring for audio system

Types of Electric Wiring Needed

Community Clubhouse

Types of Electric
Wiring Needed

electric wiring for audio system
Are you having a 50s-themed party out by the pool this spring? Dressing up for Halloween and holding a dance before the costume contest — complete with disco ball?

Do not forget about the electrical needs for all your entertaining goals. Your community’s clubhouse is the perfect place for every type of party, but the party will be over before it starts if there is a short (or worse, a fire).

So how do you know what types
of electric wiring you need ?

This article explains what exactly is inside an electric cable and what type you need for different appliances. Read the details below to understand more about your clubhouse wiring options.
Types of Electric Wiring

Houses are wired with concealed conduit wiring, meaning that the wires are behind the wall inside a conduit or tube of some kind (usually steel). The cable used inside the conduits is Romex cable.

Romex wiring is a brand name, but it is also a generic name for NM or NMC cable, referring to Non-Metallic sheathing that covers the outside of the cable.

Cable classification uses two numbers, separated with a hyphen, for example, 10-2 or 14-3. The first number is the gauge (or physical size/diameter), and the second number is how many conductors are inside the cable.

Inside each cable are several tiny wires bundled together. The number of conductors (referred to by the second number) is one less than the actual number of wires that will be inside the cable. Always add one extra for a ground wire.

Thus, inside a 12-2 cable, you will find three wires, one hot, one neutral, and one ground. What is the point of knowing the size of your wire?

Reasons for Wiring

The goal when wiring a clubhouse (or any home/structure) is to be able to power your devices without overheating. Various wiring sizes allow you to conduct different amounts of current. The larger the diameter of the cable, the more current it can conduct.

Some standard wiring projects you have to account for in new construction are:

» Light switches (many types)
» Ceiling fans
» Exhaust fans

Every clubhouse needs a kitchen, so there are appliances to consider as well. Refrigerators get wired differently than ranges and other appliances because they run on a different amperage. These will require a larger wire.

You will also need to consider a complete home audio system because no clubhouse gathering is complete without music. Whether you listen on vinyl or by streaming, it is important to wire the system correctly to achieve your entertaining and hospitality goals.

If your clubhouse will have a media room, you will probably want a motorized TV lift. Consider the various lighting controls for all your entertaining possibilities.

Most importantly, wireless internet and security should be a main priority for your clubhouse. There will be routers, extenders, fiber, and many other considerations to consider in planning the wiring to support these devices.

Gather Together

For each size gauge of wiring, you can power different amperage electronics and appliances. We can help with all types of electric wiring for a community clubhouse. We can handle anything from internet and security to the whole-home audio system, as well as light switches and the kitchen appliances.

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5 Easy Steps to Build Your Home Network


Easy Steps to Build
Your Home Network

Your home network is the backbone of your entire home media. The project needs careful consideration during the installation process.

Even as more people embrace the smart home device revolution, there are thousands of ways to get your whole system corrupted. Without a strong home network design, you could be troubleshooting for weeks before you know what went wrong in your system.

Follow these 5 tips to

Create a home network design that fits your needs and safety concerns.


Determine Your Coverage Needs

One of the most important elements in understanding what you need for your home network is to know what coverage is needed. Every home is different, with various challenges and advantages.

For instance, while you might struggle to get a wireless signal up in your attic, you should also consider how much computing you plan to do in there as well. If you’re struggling to get around strange corners or from one place to another, perhaps focus on other key areas instead.

If you're installing a home theater, music system, remote camera or lighting and shades, it's important to know what proper wireless layout and channeling is required. This is where working with a professional installer comes in handy. They'll be able to handle such things as Gigabit routers and switches, AC wireless products.

Finally, they'll make ensure the proper wiring of your entire home using wired access points over wireless extenders.


Security and Safety

Decide on Wired or Wireless. While a wired network is faster than a wireless one, most new technology is wireless. Between the rise of smart devices and the Internet of Things, more appliances and devices you buy in the coming years may not even have a wired port.

Depending on how your system currently works, you could centralize the wired region and then use access points throughout the house. Access points allow you to transmit your signal further than your wireless router could normally reach.

The access points will wire into your home's electrical current and use that as a way to improve your Internet signal.


Choose Data Backup

There are many wireless devices and routers that now pair with backup systems. Whether you're just a casual photographer or a serious programmer, having a backup of your data is essential to ensure you don't lose anything valuable.

You can set up a wireless automatic backup connected to your wireless router. Via your router, your data will backup while you're using your machine. Or if you set it up the right way, you can have it back up while you're sleeping.

Additionally, look into cloud storage as a viable way to ensure your system is backed up properly. The cloud offers flexibility and scalability in today's connected world.


Make It Secure

You’ll need to ensure that your data is secure with not only a strong password but also high-quality security software. Select a complex Wi-FI password and good security protocol.

To maximize your home wireless network security, consider changing the name of your default home network as well. This will make it more difficult to succumb to malicious attacks. Furthermore, consider shutting off your home network when you’re away.


Finalize Your Layout

The ideal home network design is functional and customized to fit your needs. Integrating technology into your design, whether it's for your landscape or the interior of your home, it's vital to iron out all the details with a professional home media and design installation company.

For outdoor projects, such as swimming pools and entertaining areas, getting the home network design right the first time around will save a lot of headaches in the future. With summer quickly approaching, now is the right time to finalize your projects so that you can enjoy the upcoming warm days and nights.

Now that you've figured out the specifics, you can lay out how you want data to flow. Finalize your layout and you'll know what you need and how the network will interact. Pay close attention to how you set it up and take extensive notes to make troubleshooting easier later on.

Simplicity is Key for Your Home Network

Integrating your home network into the overall design of your home is an important step in creating an enjoyable living environment. With proper planning and the right technology, you'll have the perfect system that will give you years of immense satisfaction, whether you're entertaining or having a peaceful evening at home. If you want tips on your home network installation, contact us for assistance.

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Element Integration is an electronic and automation installation company serving both residential and commercial clients in the Raleigh-Durham area. As an experienced specifier and educator to architects and building designers, we offer expertise and specifications for projects from concept to completion.

integrated home systems

Integrated Home System

integrated home systems
four key benefits of an

Integrated Home System

Today, the concept of complete control over your electronics from one device is becoming more and more popular. The advantages of home automation are being felt far and wide.

Having an integrated home automation system is something you may have thought about but have yet to incorporate in your home. We have outlined below the key considerations when building your integrated home automation system.


Convenience and Comfort

Many (or maybe most) of us now have a home network installed. We know the convenience of having an internet connection and how much the World Wide Web has changed the way we live and do business.

With home automation, you're basically increasing that convenience by taking your network connection that one step further.For our fast-paced lives, having the means to control your electronics from one device (i.e., your smartphone) makes life less stressful, all at the control of your fingertips.


Security and Safety

Sometimes, it’s not always about the comfort of being able to control your lights from your phone. There are times when you need to feel secure. Many people now have security cameras installed in and around their homes. With an integrated home system, having control over CCTV and motion control, even if you’re not there, can give you great peace of mind.

In fact, earlier this year, a man from New Jersey was actually able to stop a burglar through his home automation device.


Saving and Efficiency

Did you know that America holds the number two spot in countries that use the most electricity? China is number one.

By having home automation, you can have more control over your lights, heating, and even water usage. Smart thermostats and smart light bulbs help to cut down on your utility bills over time. How? By allowing you to remotely turn things off that are not in use.


Did you leave the light on in the hallway when you went out? Use your phone to turn it off. The savings will add up in your monthly utility bill. In this ever-changing economy, isn't that what we all want?



All of these benefits boil down to one simple idea: control. Having home automation gives you the ultimate in control over your electronics. Access to different apps for various devices gives dexterity. Imagine the feeling of added control over your security system, temperature adjustments, appliances, and lighting, just to name a few. Your “smart” home will be thinking on its own.

Integrated Home Systems
Are the Future

Integrated home systems offer many benefits that the average household can make use of and see immediate, cost-effective results. If we're going to have smart cars on our roads, then a home automation system that is convenient for you when you're in your house or away suddenly makes sense.

It's the comfort, safety, and efficiency of it all that makes the entire system seem a bit futuristic to some and modern to others, in particular, the millennial generation.

If you're interested in having an integrated system installed in your home or business, contact us today by clicking here.

Element Integration is an electronic and automation installation company serving both residential and commercial clients around North Carolina. As an experienced specifier and educator to architects and building designers, we offer training and specifications for projects from concept to completion.

ultimate home theater

How to Create the Ultimate Home Theater Experience

ultimate home theater
How to Create the

Ultimate Home
Theater Experience

The best way to beat the long lines and expensive concession stands of a theater is to create your own ultimate home theater. Customize it with all the essential elements and create your own movie-going experience.

Here is the best way to design your own ultimate home theater.
Planning Your Theater

First of all, before you start selecting items, you need to determine what you want out of your theater.

Furthermore, during this process, first decide what you plan to use the theater for, such as gaming or for watching movies with the family. Then, consider a layout suitable to the usage of the space. Determine where you want to place your seats, your TV, everything that will be incorporated in the room. That will make the assembly of each piece easier and provide the right efficiency.

Finally, settle on a theme. For example, do you want to make it look like a movie theater? Put some movie posters, current or nostalgic, on the walls for a cinema vibe There are endless possibilities. Be creative and enjoy coming up with a space that is both inviting and functional.

Give yourself a little mood lighting but avoid overdoing it so much that you strain your eyes while watching movies. Make sure to keep all your lights on dimmers.

Wall panel inset or LED floor lighting can add a nice touch as well. You can make it where these lights are out of sight until it gets dark. Lighting is a fun item to play with to really give your space that movie theater look.


Although not the most glamorous part of your planning, the right insulation is critical to the overall process. Focus on installing adequate flooring, ceiling, and interior and exterior walls that will provide enough of a sound barrier.

You'll be thankful you did once you're enjoying that high-action movie, lively concert or dynamic game.


Next, focus on the electronics, an important part of your entire system. Refer to the items below as a checklist for your pre-wire needs.

AC Receiver

This is the powerhouse of your ultimate home theater. It has to handle the bulk of your entertainment needs.

The Yamaha RX-V485, for instance, is a great choice. It provides great 5.1-channel surround sound. It can send sound to two speakers in your Zone B and is enabled with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.


Your main speakers are made to let you catch the smallest sound in your favorite movies.

The purpose of the center channel speakers is to boost dialogue and leave the background noise to the other speakers.

A subwoofer is a great add-on to any home theater. This allows you to hear all the low-end action like explosions. They add all the tight base sounds to your content.



Like any stylish outfit, make sure to leave room for necessary accessories including HDMI cables, speaker wires, and stands which are all key things to consider to include when building your home theater.


For more home wiring needs, visit us here.

The Ultimate Home Theater Experience

Once you have all of these components wired together and are good to go, kick back with your favorite beverage and snacks and enjoy your ultimate home theater experience. If you've taken all the necessary steps that outlined and spent time on all the pre-wiring requirements, you won't be disappointed. To learn more wiring techniques or to schedule an installation, contact us and tell us more about your project.

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Element Integration is an electronic and automation installation company serving both residential and commercial clients in the Raleigh-Durham area. As an experienced specifier and educator to architects and building designers, we offer expertise and specifications for projects from concept to completion.

whole house music system, home audio system, whole home music system

Whole-House Music System Installation

The Most Important Components of a

Whole-House Music
System Installation

whole house music system, home audio system, whole home music system
Are you ready for a whole-house music system installation? Having a hi-fi in your living room is all well and good for when you are hosting a party or chatting with guests. Having great speakers in your office is nice when you are working. What about when you want to listen to your music in dynamic high-fidelity when you are cooking in the kitchen?

A whole-house music system spares you from placing a stereo system in every room in the house. Even more having several separate stereos is unnecessarily expensive, and it certainly clutters up your living space.

Listening to music, talk radio or podcasts is a nice way to start your day and can even make you healthier. As each living situation is unique, there is not a cut-and-paste solution to a multi-room audio system. Therefore audio equipment integration has some general guiding principles.

Read on to find out about the most essential
components of a whole house music system installation.

Stereo Receiver

A stereo receiver is the brain of your whole-house surround-sound system. Like the brain, a receiver takes a signal from all your audio devices and routes it to wherever you need it sent.


Speakers are probably the most important part of a home audio system. Theoretically, you could get by without a receiver or amplifiers thanks to the proliferation of Bluetooth and digital audio devices on the market. Your music is only as good as your speakers. Having the quality vinyl, lossless audio or expensive analog pre-amplifiers will not matter a bit if you are listening through low-quality speakers. You should spring for the best speakers your budget can handle.

Amplifiers and Pre-Amps

Amplifiers and pre-amps are third on the list as many receivers and speaker systems feature built-in amplification. If you are going to be sending audio to multiple rooms, however, you may need a dedicated amplifier.

You will need to consider whether you need a powered or un-powered amplifier. You will also have to think about how many outputs you will need, depending on how many speakers the amp will be sending a signal to.

Audio Devices

It goes without saying, but your whole-house music system will not do much good if you do not have anything to play through it. You should think about what kind of music devices you will predominantly be using. This information will impact the other components you end up choosing.

If you will be mostly listening to music off of your smartphone, you might want something with a docking station. If you will be listening to vinyl, you may need some additional analog amplification to bring out the warmth.

A whole-house surround system will improve your life in ways you never even imagined. You could be lounging out by your pool listening to Astrud Gilberto on a sunny summer afternoon. You could pipe in light classical or jazz during your next dinner party and marvel at the relaxed mood and conversation.

Music makes everything better. You will be amazed you have managed to live without hi-fi audio in every room for so long.
Ready To Install a
Complete Home Audio System?

Whole-house music systems are evolving at the speed of thought with the abundance of high-quality, inexpensive consumer sound equipment. There are more options available for audiophiles on a budget than any other time in history.

Element Integration is an electronic and automation installation company serving both residential and commercial clients in the Raleigh-Durham area. As an experienced specifier and educator to architects and building designers, we offer expertise and specifications for projects from concept to completion.